I owe you this post. Because if you’re here, if you’re reading, this probably isn’t the first time you’ve visited. You guys are my people. You’ve invested your time (on of the most precious resources) and chosen to meet me here in this space for the last three years. It’s been quiet, but that doesn’t […]
This post is a first for me and has been a year in the making! One of my favorite things about the end of wedding season is seeing all my photographer friends post their “Behind the Scenes” posts because I think it’s so fun to get an inside look at what their wedding days are […]
I’ve known for a while now that it was time to make some changes, not just cosmetically speaking, but real changes that reflect my heart for serving my clients, for curating tangible heirlooms, and creating an online aesthetic that corresponds with those changes. The #nspbrandevolution has been in the works for the duration of this […]
Creatives: Today, you can implement my exact process for using this medium to create aesthetically pleasing, refined imagery for your advertising.
Click here to get my guide for shooting 35mm film for Creatives!