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I must say, of all the cyber places you could have ended up, i’m certainly glad you chose to be here. Viewing my site is best accompanied by your choice of beverage; i recommend sweet tea, hazelnut macchiato, or prosecco. That, and 80's music, preferably from the breakfast club soundtrack.








For Photographers: Wedding Day Meal Prep

March 4, 2015

For years, I’ve struggled with managing my blood sugar levels. At 19, I was diagnosed with having pre-diabetes, and it completely changed the way I think about and approach food. I can no longer go half a day without eating, I always have to have a game plan about when and where my next meal is coming from. I have to pay attention to the amount of carbs and proteins I take in and how well they are balanced. At first, it was overwhelming but the longer I’ve lived with it, the better I’ve been able to handle it.

To me, one of the worst feelings in the world, one of the scariest and most out of control feelings is a sugar crash, so I do everything in my power to prevent them. I would never want one of these episodes to happen on a wedding day.  On my client’s wedding days, I am committed to serving my brides, grooms, and their families to the best of my ability, and to ensure that happens I have to first take care of myself physically.

Photographers: You wouldn’t show up to a wedding without charging your camera batteries, so why would you show up without having eaten a good meal before either?

Over the last two years, I’ve gotten better about preparation and have learned what type of snacks help stabilize my sugar, give me energy, and allow me to eat quickly and discretely throughout a busy wedding day. These are items you can keep in your camera bag and grab when you have a moment of down time (I know-on a wedding day those moments are few, so you have to be really smart about them!).Nikki Santerre Photography_For Photographers_Wedding Day Snacks_0002

Naked Smoothies: I usually try to get one of these down before the ceremony starts. I choose the ones with added protein so my carbs and protein is more balanced, and I will be able to have a sustainable energy boost that will get me through the family formals.

Kind Bars: I love these! They are loaded with nuts that are full of protein and fruits which are a natural source of carbs. These are a great snack in the car in between locations. *Edited to add, Clif bars are great too and I often have those in my bag as well because they’re high in protein!*

Bananas: I like bananas because they don’t crunch like an apple, they aren’t messy to eat like an orange, and they are a good source of natural carbs.

Fruit Squeeze Pouches, like this one by Peter Rabbit Organics: I know what you’re thinking, these things were made for children. What I like most about them is how quickly I can consume one. On a busy wedding day, you aren’t eating for enjoyment, you’re eating to sustain your energy so you can serve your clients. These are great if you’re out shooting portraits and start to feel your sugar crash. You can grab one conveniently and keep moving!

I also keep Starbursts in my bag all the time. While I know they aren’t nutritious, I prefer to have a fast acting sugar in the event my sugar starts dropping in the middle of a pertinent time during the day, like the ceremony. I can unwrap and eat a Starburst discretely, and it gives me the boost I need to make it until my next protein snack.

Starting your day with a balanced breakfast may sound like a commercial advertisement, but it’s actually the best thing you can do for yourself so you have energy to make it through a physically demanding wedding day! Eggs, fruit, greek yogurt, and whole grain toast is a great combination because it gives you good carbs and protein.

For photographers with health concerns similar to mine: My advice to you first and foremost is to always communicate with your clients about things like this PRIOR to booking. I set the expectation with my clients as far as my pre-diabetes is concerned from the very beginning (there is even a portion in my contract that mentions the vendor meal…because of my blood sugar I physically can’t shoot a wedding without one!). From my experience, as long as you’re honest, your clients will understand because they aren’t just a bride and groom, they are real people who care about your well being!


  1. Caitlin says:

    umm I LOVE this!! i’ve always had crazy low blood sugar + hate dealing with crashes at weddings. gonna have to start packing some of these awesome snacks for future weddings!!

  2. Alicia Lacey says:

    This is a GENIUS post!! I constantly find myself thinking about what time the reception starts so I can finally grab a soda; I need to be more prepared and will definitely be taking some of your ideas!!

  3. Serena says:

    Oh man. Naked Juice is my jam – love that stuff! Great post, Nikki! 🙂

  4. Lauren Swann says:

    These are such good tips!! I totally need to be more prepared before weddings!! Love it, girlfriend!!

  5. Renee says:

    Such a good post! I need to start packing an awesome snack bag 🙂

  6. Jessica says:

    Nikki, I love this post and how personal you got with it! These are great tips and I will make sure to bring us lots of yummy and energizing snacks like the ones you suggested at our weddings!! 🙂 Woohoo!! 🙂

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