I love editorial work I think because I love telling a good story. The creatives who blessed me with opportunities to make beautiful and meaningful things with them this year have my heart. Cheers to the creative souls and 2016! To see blog posts and vendor credits from the above events, follow the links below! […]
The heart of an artist can truly be best nurtured when surrounded by authentic community, by colleagues who challenge us, encourage us, and inspire us. An Evening of Revelry was a concept born in the spirit of intentional community. We wanted to bring an intimate group of our creative friends together for an evening […]
Last night, we spent time with our favorite local creative friends under a canopy of stars. “An Evening of Revelry” was one we won’t soon forget! More about this amazing event when the film scans return! Hosted and conceptualized by myself, Amanda Burnette, and Megan Acosta of Glamour and Grace Venue: Seven Springs Styling: […]
Creatives: Today, you can implement my exact process for using this medium to create aesthetically pleasing, refined imagery for your advertising.
Click here to get my guide for shooting 35mm film for Creatives!