It’s an incredibly emotional thing, reliving the year through the images you’ve created over the course of the last 365 days.
I find myself completely overwhelmed this morning. Overwhelmed with tasks, overwhelmed with thoughts, overwhelmed by my emotions. As I looked through these images, part of me wanted to laugh, part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to blast my Pandora as Avicii played “Wake Me Up” because I wanted to celebrate. There were times this year when I doubted my own strength, doubted my business, doubted The Plan for my life. But, oh, The Lord is faithful and this year has turned into a beautiful story, one of my most favorite years of my life thus far.
In looking back at the goals I created at the beginning of the year, I realized this year has been a year of doing and making things happen, something I’m both proud of and grateful for.
-Blog Makeover I am so thankful to Krista for the work she did for me on my site this year. I know that I owe so much to her, and that my business wouldn’t have grown the way it has if I didn’t make this crucial investment.
-Blogging calendar I realized that a “blogging calendar” doesn’t necessarily work for me and my business, especially while I’m still teaching full time. I can’t plan a month in advance for what i’m going to blog about because my schedule is constantly changing. However, I did blog more consistently this year, and followed through with my goal of blogging 2-3 times a week.
-Shoot FIVE of my own weddings Woah, did The Lord have big plans for me because not only did I meet this goal, but I surpassed it, shooting 9 weddings of my own in addition to the ones I second shot for photographer friends. I am forever indebted to the couples who trusted me and had faith in my business this year.
-Purchase an L series lens and a Markii
-Finish my Showit site I also realized this year that what works for other people doesn’t necessarily work for me, so I am not creating a separate Showit site. Yes, I think that the Showit community is awesome and it’s great to have that network of people, but I didn’t want to create a site that didn’t necessarily work for my business just to meet other people or because other people were doing it.
-Attend a workshop I attended Envision in November and am forever changed in the best way possible because of it.
-Have my 35mm film camera cleaned and start using it! Well, I did have the camera cleaned just to realize the shutter was broken. However, I did buy a medium format film camera and have shot several rolls of film.
-Office organization/workflow/contracts/marketing complete This was a lofty goal, and one I’m realizing is going to just be an ongoing process in the business rather than something I can cross off the list permanently.
In addition to these things, we have also taken trips, witnessed my best friend’s proposal, bought our first home, got a new puppy, managed a business while teaching full time, been featured several times. 2013 was an amazing year and I can’t wait to see what The Lord has in store for 2014.
2014 Goals:
-Meet the booking goal Matt and I have established for the business (we’re half-way there!)
-Go to part-time teaching during wedding season so I can focus on my clients
-Allow Matt to step into the business aspect of NSP in terms of tracking mileage, collecting receipts, etc.
-Begin to incorporate film into the workflow
-Shoot a destination engagement session (this one is already in the works!)
-Find a new company for album design. While I have enjoyed working with the company I’m currently using, I’m just not sure if the product is right for my clients.
-Finish designing The Pricing Guide with Krista (SO excited for this one!)
-Continue to find new and unique ways to love on my clients, develop the client experience, continue to establish brand with consistent packaging materials, etc.
-Establish “office hours” while at home and stick to them so I can spend time with Matt and the pups. I was horrible at this during 2013, and there were many nights where the only time we really spoke was when I was telling him goodnight. My family is so deserving of my time and I want to give them more of it in 2014.
-Have an open heart and allow The Lord to reveal his plan to me. This year was a year of doing, and to be honest, I am in need of some clarity regarding where God wants me to be and what his plans are for my business. I am hoping to spend more time journaling, writing, and reflecting on scripture so I can prepare my heart for the work that The Lord is calling me to do.
And, without further adieu, my favorite images from this year. It is an incredible thing to see how my work has evolved and my style has become consistent recently. To the wonderful, beautiful, amazing people in these images, I owe you so much. Thank you for loving me, believing in me, and allowing me the opportunity to love my dream by being a part of your lives. xoxo!
Great job on reaching your goals this year and realizing you didn’t have to achieve all of them! It’s great when life changes and you learn you can do things your own way 🙂 I can’t wait to see where 2014 takes your business! It was great to see your favorite images of 2013! Keep up the good work, lady!
1. all of these images are phenomenal and you should be SO PROUD!
2. you have grown so much this year and have customized things to work best for you and your business, which is what it’s all about!
3. you WILL go full time in 2014 and do great things. just don’t forget about lil’ ol’ me! 😉
4. stay encouraged, because you’ve got a heart for this and God is using you!
5. love you, bpf!!!! <3
SO incredibly proud of you!!!!! I love this and how you are always striving to aim higher but also go where the Lord is leading you..that is so inspiring…I was so blessed to get to know you this year! I’m so excited to see what 2014 holds for you! Congratulations on an amazing year, friend!! 🙂