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2015 Goals - Nikki Santerre Photography




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I must say, of all the cyber places you could have ended up, i’m certainly glad you chose to be here. Viewing my site is best accompanied by your choice of beverage; i recommend sweet tea, hazelnut macchiato, or prosecco. That, and 80's music, preferably from the breakfast club soundtrack.








2015 Goals

December 29, 2014

Y’all…didn’t we just do this? I can remember so vividly, like it was last week, reading everyone’s goal list and planning/dreaming/praying over what 2014 would look like. And now, the door is closing on another year and we’re standing at 2015’s doorstep, knocking and pleading that something great is going to be waiting for us just over the threshold.

Matt and I made some intentional time to have dinner together this weekend and we discussed what we wanted 2015 to look like. I realized something I love about my husband that I had never noticed before. While we shared good pasta and better conversation, he admitted he was happy to just let things be in 2015. He’s content, his needs are being provided for, we have the house, the pups, each other. “What more could I want,” he says, “than to just be by your side in 2015?”

Friends, I have realized I lack that contentment in my own life. I am always moving toward the next goal, creating lists and desperately trying to check off the items I have made priority. To me, forward progress equals success, and I have a hard time sitting still and being patient. Waiting. Very clearly, several times in the last six months, I have heard that Still Small Voice, I have heard it from people I love and even people who I am not very close with. Be Patient.

2014 was a great year. Looking back on everything that’s happened, we have so, so much to be grateful for. It was also an incredibly busy year! It was a year of doors and chapters being closed. Lessons learned, a few tough moments, and ultimately a lot of joy.  I started the year with a really intense list of goals. Looking at that list, I can’t believe that we actually did all of the things we set out to do this year. And while that’s awesome, it also required a lot of time and I didn’t leave a lot of room for margin. I didn’t leave room for God’s plans for me, for us, for my business because I was so focused on my plans.

Proverbs 19: 21 says, “Many are the plans in the mind of the man, but it is the purpose of The Lord that will stand.”

So, as for 2015, I know there are big things coming. I know there is an adventure awaiting on the other side of that threshold. The biggest difference between this new year and the one that’s nearly behind us is the margin, the room I plan to leave to go where I am called. This year, I’m choosing trust and obedience over achievements and my own plans. 

Nikki Santerre Photography_Auld Lang Syne_New Years Eve Styled Shoot_0037


What are you choosing for your New Year? What awaits you just over the threshold?

  1. Renee says:

    Oh man! Your husband is the sweetest!!! Happy New Year!

  2. Natalie says:

    I love this post! And I can’t wait to share all of my goals + resolutions next week! So much awaits in 2015, and I’m feeling very similar to you… I’m leaving room for His plan!

  3. Lindsay says:

    Amen! I love this Nikki, thanks so much for sharing!

  4. You guys are just great! <3 hugs

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