Since the beginning of this year, I’ve consciously made an earnest effort to express gratitude on a daily basis. The kind of thanksgiving that fills up your heart, pours from your soul, and is apparent in your daily interactions with others.
This has not always been easy, and by no means was it my intention to portray this false sense of “wonderful” regarding the life I am leading. I just noticed a trend. If I was constantly considering the things that others had rather than thinking about all I had been given, it was a thief of joy and did absolutely nothing to glorify the Lord.
So, in January, I purchased a small journal and began to literally declare the things I was thankful for. It wasn’t always big gifts, in fact it started as simple as a snowfall, a snuggle from our puppy, or a date night with Matt. However, making the conscious effort to pause and be thankful for the things that God was doing in my heart and in my life has made all the difference in the world this year. I have recently been pleading with Him to allow this attitude of gratitude to permeate my life in the coming year ahead. I’m honestly really sad to see 2013 make it’s way out, but I have faith that the Lord knows the plans he has for us in the coming months as we greet a new year.
May she be ever as beautiful as the last.
This past weekend, we celebrated. We lifted glasses, held hands and prayed, prepared our home and our hearts for the upcoming Christmas season. We hosted our family in our new home for the first time, learned lessons on proper turkey roasting, rocked babies to sleep, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we expressed our gratitude for one another.
These are the people who have made me who I am, and I’m so grateful to call them Home at Thanksgiving and always.
Can I come to Thanksgiving dinner at your house next year because it looks like it was stunning!