A few months ago, Matt and I became really serious about buying a house.
Little did I know, buying a house isn’t as simple as picking out a new Kate Spade satchel.
We’ve been all over the Richmond area looking for the right house for us. We’ve debated lenders, location, and laminate flooring. We’ve gotten our hopes up, placed bids, waited, waited, and waited.
Long story short, we’re still waiting.
I’ve come to realize something through this process.
It’s not the things you store within the four walls of your house that makes a home, it’s the love that exists between the people that live within them.
Matt and I have made some amazing memories during our first year of marriage while enduring this process together. As we walk the hallways of these uninhabited potential dwellings, we get to envision our life together there. Where we’ll place the new couch, who we’ll invite over for dinner first, which room will be my office and which his mancave.
Wherever we end up, we’ll end up there together. That’s really all that matters.
Our little apartment is small. Sure, we have to get creative with out storage (aka crock pots stored under the futon), but I know it’s not forever. I know it. God has the perfect home in mind for us…we just haven’t found it yet.
Oh, but when we do…those Crate and Barrel bookshelves we got as a wedding gift that are still in boxes? Those suckers are going to look awesome on our hardwood floors (Hardwood-one of the only house options we agree on).
In the meantime, we’re here. Living on love, loving on life, playing with Pup, and begging for Spring.
A sweet post my dear daughter in law. The right home just for you guys will come along, I just know it!