A few years ago, my sweet sister in law, Jennie, admitted to me that she was interested in photography. I recommended a good starter camera body, we discussed lenses, understanding how to properly expose, shooting in manual, you name it and over the last few years we have probably talked about it. A year or so ago, she decided she was interested in assisting me at a wedding. One wedding turned into two and two snowballed into half an entire wedding season. Jennie has become an asset to my business, and I wouldn’t have been able to survive last wedding season without her!
When Jennie came to me last month and finally said, “I’m ready, I want to take the chance, make the leap. I want to launch my own photography business and start booking my own clients!” I have to say I am SO PROUD of her! I knew she was ready for this last year, and have just been trying to fill her with confidence and encouragement. This journey is hers and the decision was her own to make, so when she announced she was ready I wanted to celebrate! Jennie loves the beach, so we decided to go to Yorktown Beach to do some head shots for her new website (which, I’m impressed to say, she designed entirely by herself!). This picture of Jennie laughing next to the tree is my favorite picture of her of all time. It truly encompasses her spirit, and is a real, natural, “Jennie laugh!”
You’re so beautiful sisterfriend. I am so grateful for all you have done to support me and my business and I wish you nothing but the best in your next adventure!
It would be amazing if you would show Jennie some love by checking out her new website and Facebook page!