I have an ever growing list of things to do and an even longer list of things on my mind.
But right now, I’m not focusing on any of them.
Right now, they don’t deserve my attention. I’m ignoring the pressure. I’m not surrendering to the weight of the world on my shoulders. These weary knees, they will not buckle.
Why? Because this weekend rocked. And I’m going to hold on to every last morsel of positivity that I can squeeze out of it before I head into a week of papers, projects, and lesson plans that will wrap up this semester.
There are moments in life where I feel disenchanted, disconnected, dazed even. It’s as if it’s all I can do to just go through the motions.
And then, there are times that God awakens my soul. He gives me a moment that says, “This time, this place. I made it for you!”
I reveled in many a moment like this the past two days.
Some great moments gifted to me by God this weekend:
1) Breakfast, hand delivered with love, by Mappayew. It’s not exactly on the pre-wedding diet, but everyone could use a donut-y delight every now and then.
2) Stumbling upon a historic school building, stopping to take a photo, and, in form true to myself, following the brick path behind the building to find a hidden garden.
“Matt, don’t you wanna look at me!” She says in her best three year old voice, imitating the Nikki of yester-year portrayed in Maxey family home videos.
3) Fun in the late afternoon sun with Monkey and Peanut.
A monkey swinging from a tree. How appropriate!
Oh, my beautiful girl. You’re destined to break many a hearts one day.
Baby Boy was curious as to Mimi’s cross. I love his sweet baby hands wrapped around the golden pendant, lips pursed in wonder.
Secrets and sunshine.
Of course, Marty had to be invited to the party.
We are blessed to have each other.
Tonight was also the first wedding of the season. I have to be honest, I was dreading going. Mostly because I was feeling a bit anxious, and I was craving the comfort of my bed on what would have been a perfect lazy Sunday afternoon. However, I picked myself up, kept calm, carried on.
While I was there, in the middle of the lens exchanges, battery swaps, light metering, and search for the perfect detail shots, I paused to look around. This day was the happiest day of these people’s lives. And they invited me, a stranger, to partake in their most joyful of moments. I felt honored, humble, and remembered why my heart brought me to photography in the first place.
Attitude of gratitude. It never gets old, and it looks great on anyone.
Slumber is finally calling. Goodnight moon.