Oh, these women. These images represent so many different seasons in motherhood, each equally as challenging, each equally as sweet.
Some women wait to meet their babies.
Some find their life’s joy in the eye of their grandchildren.
Some don’t know what the future holds, if this baby is the only one she’ll carry.
They all have something so fundamental in common, they know the beautiful, impossible ache of love for their child.
It was my goal to create images that focused on the simple nuances of motherhood is a setting that was unfussy, so we could immerse ourselves in the location and create a comfortable environment where their children felt safe to be themselves in the arms of their mothers. There were giggles and tickles, and oh, the kisses. I pray these images represent each season these family are in, that they do the legacies these mamas are creating for their children justice.
Thank you to Kara Olmsted, Emily Artistry, Natalie Gordon, and Photovision for helping me to serve my clients so well.