It was a year ago when we openly shared our fears about what might await us on the other side of our respective seasons. I was pregnant with my long awaited son, and Anna wasn’t sure what motherhood might look like for her. I think so many of us can relate to that fear, when a desire is placed on your heart and having to wait to see how it might be answered or denied in God’s timing. We welcomed Mason and Anna and Ryan celebrated his arrival with us. Not long after, she announced to me that we would get to raise babies together, because she was pregnant! More than any other time in my life, I’m so grateful for the friends God has placed in my path who are experiencing the first few years of parenthood with us simultaneously. Anna was one of the most beautiful pregnant women I have ever seen. More than anything, she was filled with a peace that I know can only come from Jesus. Rather than enter into this season filled with anxiety over the unknown, Anna was ready to accept the plan laid before her for both her and her son. Gray joined us earthside this Spring, and my eyes well with tears at these images because of how they represent such a beautiful season of transition for my dear friend. It’s as if she has answered this call for her life that she never knew would transform her into exactly the woman God designed her to be…not just a mother, but Gray’s.