On Friday, for the first time in my life, I heard the sound of an unborn baby’s heartbeat via ultrasound in person. It was so incredible. Life is so precious. My sister, with bated breath, waited to see find out the gender of her baby. What was supposed to be a secret immediately became known […]
I can’t believe next week is already the beginning of April! This year is flying by. I don’t know about you, but while I enjoyed the few snow days we were able to have, I am really looking forward to some sunshine and Spring weather. I can’t wait for hanging out on the back […]
My little sister is my best friend. Jen and I share the same childhood experiences and memories, living together in the same room for years, our souls share this unexplainable bond that you can only comprehend if you have a sister. A few weeks ago, when Jen announced the news I’m about to share, I […]
Creatives: Today, you can implement my exact process for using this medium to create aesthetically pleasing, refined imagery for your advertising.
Click here to get my guide for shooting 35mm film for Creatives!