Since last weeks Good Things/Hard Things post, I’ve spent a lot of time this week being consciously aware of the little things, holding onto the good things and saving up the joy for when I need them for the hard things. One of my favorite songs right now is Desert Song by Hillsong United. The […]
A few years ago, my sweet sister in law, Jennie, admitted to me that she was interested in photography. I recommended a good starter camera body, we discussed lenses, understanding how to properly expose, shooting in manual, you name it and over the last few years we have probably talked about it. A year […]
Ashley is, hands down, the epitome of maternal strength and intuition. I have been following her family’s story for some time now, and her determination to fight for her daughter is nothing short of admirable. Sweet baby Annabelle has spent her entire existence fighting for her life. Through diagnosis, treatments, misdiagnosis, life-style changes, she has […]
Creatives: Today, you can implement my exact process for using this medium to create aesthetically pleasing, refined imagery for your advertising.
Click here to get my guide for shooting 35mm film for Creatives!