Matt (or Babe-sorry, I know you don’t like it when I call you by your first name, but this seemed an appropriate occasion and I wanted to use a more formal greeting than “Mappayew”).
I opened my devotional yesterday to find God waiting for me with a reminder. It said, ” Is there someone who at one time or another pushed you along that led to your current success? Or perhaps encouraged you…take a moment to thank them. Without their thoughtfulness, your life wouldn’t be the same.”
It’s true. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am. Last year, it was your encouraging words that helped me persevere to finish my degrees. This year, it’s the constant support in my business, always allowing me to chase bigger dreams, while simultaneously keeping me grounded. If I’m up late behind the computer, you’re constantly checking on me, rubbing my shoulders, bringing me nourishment, leaving me with a kiss. If I need a break, you’re the first to help me turn off the light, shut the door, and help me relax. You are my soft place to land, my comfort, my strength.
I don’t tell you enough, but I am more thankful for you than you will ever know.
Love, Nikki (or Boo Boo, I know you prefer that). Thanks, Amanda, for giving me pictures i can always return to with love!
this is so sweet!!! p.s. justin wants to go on a double date sometime! haha. 🙂