It’s getting late. I should be seeking the comfort of my bed, but instead, I’m hanging out on the couch with Mama, watching a movie we’ve seen together a thousand times. That’s what we do. Daddy and Matt prefer to seek out films they haven’t yet seen (or often have never even heard of). Not Mama and I. We’re creatures of comfort and familiarity. The older I get, the more I realize I like it that way. Besides, who doesn’t love The Breakfast Club?
I want to enjoy this moment, because I know they are going to be fewer and farther in between when I leave home in three months.
It’s not that I’m not excited about my upcoming I do’s. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I’m elated to marry Matt. I can’t wait to come home to him every evening. To wake up to each new sunrise with him by my side. To create a life of faith, love, and adventure together.
However, leaving home will be bittersweet. Much to my chagrin, I can’t take Mama with me.
I digress. Tomorrow marks the 100th day countdown.
Friends, stuff is getting real!
In the mail this week, I finally received the highly anticipated invite to my bridal shower in June. Once I got word they were on their way, I eagerly checked the mailbox daily. The theme and location were a surprise. On Tuesday, the precious pink envelope finally made its way into my grasp.
I opened it. Shut. The. Front. Door. Mad Hatter Tea Party. No, seriously. Best bridal shower theme. Ever. The search begins for outfit and hat for said fabulous function.
As the wedding get closer, I’m blessed to have an amazing group of women in my corner. My dear friends keep me sane. Keep me grounded. Help me keep my perspective, or, if needed, help me find a new one.
As usual, trying to be thankful today. For Mama care on days when I don’t feel well. For friends who always have my back. And for a fiancé, who unconditionally gives me love, love, love, love. Crazy love.