Today was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right, so I came home and opened some of the images below.
And I remembered this session. I remembered the fun we had. And oh, sweet Hayden’s cherubic cheeks. Her toothless grin. The curiosity in her eyes as she intertwined the strand of pearls around her precious little fingers.
Babies, books, and pearls.
These have always been some of my favorite things. I needed my favorite things today.
When Erin mentioned wanting to do Hayden’s 6 months pictures, I knew pearls had to be involved. There is just something about a baby girl and a strand of pearls. Knowing she has her whole life to become the fiercely classy woman she’s meant to be.
There’s just something special about sister secrets!
Erin, I love you and your girls to pieces! Thank you for being a great client and friend, someone who believes in my business and my value as an artist.