I haven’t been feeling well for the last week or so, and I know why. If you look at my planner, there’s been so much going on recently. I’ve been balancing my internship, my business, and life.
So today, I let my body succumb to the rest I deserve.
A nearly impossible feat for me, ask my Husband.
I’ve learned, in the last year or so especially, that when I deny myself this rest, my energy, spirit, and creativity dwindle. When I pack my schedule so full that I have no down time, I cease to thrive and instead struggle to just exist.
My body is craving sleep, and my spirit is craving Spring.
This thrifty find was purchased during an antique outing with my Mama this weekend. I plan to fill it with fresh blooms at the soonest opportunity.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11-28.