Remember this little girl?
Yeah, that little nugget?
She’s looking more like this these days.
Why yes, that is a camera strapped around the neck of the toy in her mouth. Of course I chose that one of all the others at PetSmart.
It’s amazing how much she’s grown over the last six months!
I never before understood how people could be obsessed with their animals, but she has shown me how easy it is to fall in love with a four legged baby. She is the perfect combination of loyal, protective, and cuddly. Sure, she’s a maniac sometimes (especially when we have company, or when I have client meetings on Skype).
But she loves us, fiercely.
When my days are long, her greeting at the door can fix almost any funk I may be in. She knows the “beep” sound as I lock my car, and I can hear her barking before I ever set foot on the first step. She stands guard and makes sure I’m safe when I shower, a low whistle-whine forming in her throat if she can’t get through the door to get to me.
She’s the sweetest Pupper, and her Mama’s girl.
She thinks Daddy is okay, too. Especially if he gives her bacon.
[…] Toby. As soon as Mariah told me she wanted Toby to be a part of the session, I was so elated. I totally know what it’s like to be a Pup parent, and know that this guy is such an important part of their […]