I never cease to awe at the miracle of life and birth. I have the ability to walk across the hall at any point during the work day and hold the new babies if I should choose, and each time I still marvel. There is something especially sweet about holding an infant that belongs to your family for the first time. When we meet or niece, Charlotte (or Charleigh Girl, as I call her), I was completely captivated by this miracle that God created.
She’s absolutely beautiful. Look at all that hair! Matt and Thomas are identical twins, and when we have children, genetically our children and Thomas & Julia’s will be like half siblings rather than cousins. Charleigh looks a lot like Thomas & Matt’s side of the family. It was amazing (and wild!) to see my husband holding a baby that looks so much like he did as a baby. It’s almost like a glimpse into the future (years down the road, that is). I look at her and know that God is good!