A good friend of mine said some amazing words earlier today.
“The things you do while you procrastinate, that’s what you should be doing with your life.”
Wow. Charlotte, you’re a genius.
Then, this evening, a new photographer friend of mine wrote a blog post, inspired by an email written by me, giving guidance to those getting started in this ever changing industry.
I like to sit back quietly on occasion and listen and wait for God to send me a sign. I’ve been waiting for it. I’ve been praying for it. I’m yearning so desperately for a sense of direction.
I’ve felt slightly out of place the last few months. Anxious, definitely. Worried, you bet. These aren’t wedding jitters. In fact, my God, my family, and my future husband are the few things in my life that I’m absolutely sure of.
Oh, and my love of photography.
I’ve spent hours lost on my computer following photography blogs. I’ve shadowed some great photographers in the Richmond area, including one that I’ve been given the opportunity to second shoot for this coming wedding season.
So this is it. I’m two classes away from a Master’s in Elementary Education. And I’ve changed my mind.
Oh well, life’s meant to be unpredictable. Bring it on.
Things I fancy:
– Katie Hill Nesbitt Photography. Her work and her spirit are beautiful.
– Ciao Bella Mango Sorbet. It’s healthy, it’s organic. It’s basically crack, in frozen form. A pint will heal all your sorrows (Okay, maybe not. But it’ll put a bandaid on it for a little while).
You are so sweet! I think you should go for it! That’s the beauty in being young, we have the opportunity to take chances and follow our dreams:)