Life, birthdays, and babies are all things that should be celebrated.
I am excited to say the following pictures are of my first ever solo studio session. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
The Brothers, Spade. Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Rock on, brothers!
Be still, my heart. Babies, and books. Such a sweet sibling moment.
And of course, there was cake.
These guys were so much fun in the studio! Needless to say, at the end of the session all involved were exhausted. Chey and Kelli, thank you for letting me borrow your beautiful boys.
And a special thanks to Lindsay Harris for granting me access to your studio, equipment, camera, and knowledge.
And I can’t forget my newest model, Matt. He’s so much help in the studio!
Really, the man should consider a career change! 😉
Last and most importantly, thanks be to God for opening windows, doors, and peepholes to help me further my passion for photography.
I absolutely love the pictures!!!! You are so talented! Thanks for choosing the boys for your first studio shoot. We love you guys!