“My dear, dear Corinthians.
-2 Corinthians: 6, The Message
I have prayed the prayer 100 times in dozens of different ways. In coffee shops while warm coconut milk lattes press against one palm as the other scribbles goals feverishly into a moleskin journal. In rooms filled with people whose words leave me motivated and inspired. Most often, the prayers come as whispers late at night while I’m nestled between pups and Husband in the moments just before I succumb to sleep.
“Use me. Take me places. Help me turn these bigger than life dreams into reality.”
“Have Your way in me.”
“Take my life and let it be filled with You.”
That’s the thing about praying for His way…you have to be okay with His way not being your own. No matter how badly you want it to be different.
I’ve never admitted it aloud, but I fear a “small” life. The thought of this life ending and there being no evidence of my existence terrifies me a little. And the thing about the legacy I want to leave in my wake…I want it to be good.
Our world has done that. We’ve taken our businesses, our ministries, our existence and made them about ourselves. We’ve completely missed the point. It’s never been about us.
Finding this verse in my recent readings has made me realize that my version of success has always been about the world. Travel, Diplomas, Success, Being known…things The World has told me make a “big life.” God is bigger than our goals, He’s bigger than our itineraries, He is more than our to-do list. So when we take our lives, the ones that are supposed to be a reflection of Him and place them into tiny, perfect squares, we’ve not only confused our priorities, but we’ve made our God seem really, really small.
My dear, dear Creatives.
The life you are living? That is the one He has called you to. Not the one you idolize on social media. The “big things” He has for you…take them! Pursue them, seek them even if they aren’t the things you think they should be. Even if they don’t fall into the world’s version of success. Even if they aren’t glamorous. Even if it means becoming less so He can become more.
Because, as a result, your life will be so much more. More service, more fulfillment, more purpose, more intention, more love, more joy.