When I found out that Matt’s bachelor weekend would take place on Memorial Day weekend, I immediately knew that would lend itself to be an all girls weekend for myself. My sister-in-law, Jennie, appropriately began to refer to the weekend as Sister Palooza. With my new 50mm 1.4 lens in hand, and my sisters (minus a few) by my side, the possibilities were endless.
Friday night, my Bestie, Brittany, met us for some Mexico.
“She don’t know she’s beautiful, though time and time I’ve told her so.”
I had to do much convincing to coax her into posing for these images. But my lens had just arrived. And I had to try it out. I could tell we would need to warm up to each other a bit, but in time, we’ll be the best of companions, my 1.4 and I.
On the way to the restaurant, the photographer in me mourned missing the “Golden Hour,” the glowing sun setting behind me. But the sister in me spoke a much louder voice. Not in a whisper, but rather the fierce battle cry of the wild one in me saying, “Keep calm, carry on. It’s Margarita time!”
We might have made friends with the owner and scored a free Tres Agaves Margarita (only the best). We might have also learned about the three most top shelf tequilas (Blanco, Anjero, and Reposado). And we might have scheduled a tequila tasting for my bridesmaids and myself.
Those things might have happened, but what I know occurred was some full on, bare all girl talk. Sharing it all, the hurts and joys of our lives. Discussing the difference between Sunshine Friends (those who are only there when the weather is fine) and Real Friends, who appear with umbrella in tow and rain boots laced, prepared to weather the storm.
Together, with Real Friends, we poured our sorrows. The hurt in the heart of a woman. The burdens we’re given. And how we lean on each other to get through it. Through the love, and loss, and lines that blur in between.
And for the remainder of the weekend, we celebrated.
We celebrated Baby Sister’s 20th also. I can’t believe she’s no longer a teenager. Welcome to your twenties, Sister. I’ve heard it’s the best of decades!
With sun-kissed skin and sombreros, we welcomed summer wholeheartedly.
Sister-in-law and Flash also helped me get better acquainted with 1.4, whom we named Peter this weekend (a long story that I dare not share in this space. Sister secrets are the best kind, ya know).
Over the weekend, Britt said, “Nikki is that one person that makes me say, ‘Let’s get in the car and just dance and be who we are.” Amen, sisterfriend.
Life’s to short to be anything but yourself. So rock it out. As Dr. Seuss says, “No one alive is Youer than You.”
Cheers to You, and counting down to Sister-Palooza 2013!
[…] I have mentioned in a previous post the difference between sunshine friends and real friends, and I have decided there is a time and a […]
[…] group. I have come to appreciate them. And now, they are my friends as well. And they aren’t sunshine friends, either. They are drop whatever their doing to come and rescue you whenever you need saving […]