So, I might have been slightly over-zealous when I promised my Instagoodness Gracious posts would be a weekly Instagram review. The more of these posts I have compiled, the more I realize a monthly review is probably a much more attainable goal. So, here are my favorite Instagrams from the past month! What I love […]
It feels like this summer is going by so quickly! There is hardly a minute to stop and think, and I can’t help but wonder-isn’t this supposed to be the easy season? I’m so thankful for technology these days, having my iPhone always at hand helps me to capture our everyday life. These insta-images […]
Clearly I love any and all things photography related, including iPhone apps. I was a late-comer to the world of iPhone users, and have only had mine for about two months. Having this technology has changed my life and business in so many ways, some good and some maybe not so much. I love being […]
Creatives: Today, you can implement my exact process for using this medium to create aesthetically pleasing, refined imagery for your advertising.
Click here to get my guide for shooting 35mm film for Creatives!