Tayler & Dylan are some of the most sweet and genuine people I have ever met. During our session, their foreheads would gently graze the others, their eyes would meet, and they would both burst into a fit of laughter than always ended with an embrace. The only thing stronger than their love for one another is their love for the Lord, I knew this of them from our very first Skype conversation. Their service to Him led them to each other as counselors at a Christian camp, and they’ve been together ever since. I know amazing things are going to come from this couple for as Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
We spent yesterday in some of Virginia’s most beautiful countryside, at Gaines Mill Battlefield and a private residence named, “Ardlie,” family home to my sister in law’s sweet grandmother (thanks again, Grandma & Jennie for letting us use Ardlie’s beautiful grounds!).
Tayler & Dylan, I hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed capturing them. I am so elated for you guys, and can’t wait to see you again when you commit your love and your lives to one another in November!
Tayler, you are stunning! Oh my goodness, those eyes! Throughout the entire session, Dylan would whisper under his breath “Wow, she’s beautiful! I get to marry her, she’s going to be my wife!”
Love this next series, their outfits were perfect!
Dylan is a city boy, we were so proud of him for embracing the country and braving the tall grass to get to this amazing tree!
Love radiates from these two.
oh my gorgeous!!!!!! these are STUNNING!!!! so many favorites, but i do especially love the ones in the tall grass and the ones through the trees!!!! <3 <3 <3