I have always been fascinated with pregnancy.
The whole concept. It’s just incredible when you think about it. How new life is created.
Future mothers are always some of the most beautiful women to work with as well. They are just glowing through and through, consumed with love for this new life that is blooming from within them.
Amanda was no exception.
She and Chris are expecting their first little love in a few short weeks, and they are elated. To make things even more exciting, the babies gender is a secret. I can’t wait to see if this little duck is a boy or a girl!
There is just something about the supple shape of an almost full term baby belly. The anticipation, the joy. It’s beautiful.
Boy or girl? We’ll find out in February!
This one right her? My favorite.
Chris is so ready to be a Daddy. He is simultaneously gentle and strong, the perfect combination of fatherly qualities.
Amanda & Chris, I am so excited for you both. This baby is so lucky to be welcomed into the world by parents who will love him or her so completely.
Nikki, the black and white picture of her in front of the window is STUNNING!
Nikki, You are unbelievably talented and I am ecstatic with what I have seen thus far! Thank you so much for taking everything that I have been feeling inside and bringing it out in these photographs! I will treasure these photos for years to come!
I am so happy that Apple Blossom Plantation was able to serve as a setting for such beautiful photographs. We would love for you to come and visit again when the baby is born. We can have a tradition of photographs as
he or she grows up! Best wishes, Peggy Snead, Owner, Apple Blossom Plantation