It’s been a while since I came to this space, for no reason at all but to lay down the words floating around in my brain, causing a ruckus up there with all of my worries, ideas, and plans.
This was our last weekend at our separate homes. Our last weekend apart. Ever. Next weekend we move into our first place together. No longer just me, or only him. Us Two, for now, for ever. At least until we decide we’re ready to become Three.
I spent the weekend in the company of family and close girlfriend comraderie. As Brittany, Jen, and I spent yesterday afternoon poolside, soaking up sweet summer sun (it’s what we do best) I glanced up at the house I’ve lived in my entire existence. The home my parents created for me. The fortress containing all my childhood memories. And I had that moment of realization…”This is my last weekend here.”
And I wanted to cry. I wanted to mourn the loss of my youth. As I stand on the threshold of adulthood and marriage, wondering if I’m ready.
But I didn’t. Because Matt came immediately into my head, and I remembered all the good and wonderful ways God is working in our relationship to prepare us for this journey together.
We. Are. So. Ready.
Today, we spent the afternoon picnicking with our dear friends Brent and Heather. They too are preparing for their nuptials this fall.
Under the comfort of shade from a sprawling Magnolia, we enjoyed good food, good conversation, and even better company.
I left the group briefly to cross the field at Maymont and scale and scour one of the neighboring Magnolias in an attempt to be so lucky to find one of the last of the late June blooms. After losing a shoe (flip flops aren’t intended for climbing), scraping my palm, and having a run in with an unruly arachnid, I found this beauty. The adventure it took to steal this Magnolia was worth it; I love the way it photographs!
(If you know anything about me, you know Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favorite movies. Hence my obsession with these fantastically fragrant flowers).
The makings of any good picnic scene: White House Rolls & chicken salad, bare feet, and a chevron striped afghan.
We’re blessed to have these summer days, lasting friendships, and Magnolia blossoms.
And very soon, a new place to call home.