This post promises, potentially, to be pretty longwinded. So much has happened since last I posted, and rather than creating several small posts, I’ve opted to try to lasso in the wildness of my ramblings, tame them into sense, and try to coherently explain all that’s rattling in my brain. So without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your safety belts as I take you on the crazy ride that has been the last few weeks of our lives.
We’re All Mad Here.
Not long after our engagement, I jokingly mentioned to some of my Bridesmaids that the theme for my bachelorette party should beAlicein Wonderland. The nonsensical ways of Lewis Carroll, I thought, would lend itself to be outlandishly outrageous. You know, A Very Merry Unwedding Party.
Oh, my girls took my idea, ran with it, and blew it out of the Tea Pot.
Allow me to welcome you to my Mad Hatter Tea Party!
The amazing cakes were made, with love, by Mrs. Gail Strickler, my MOH’s Mama.
“Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.”
Great hiding spot, Monkey!
She was the best assistant in gift opening!
The coveted Crate and Barrel Box.
What bride doesn’t need donuts before her wedding day, right Michelle? 🙂
Thanks to Charlie and Jennie for photographing the day. And a huge thanks to all the wonderful women who helped put the day together, especially my Mama for handmaking all the decorations!
Alice herself would have been proud.
Of course at the end we all did The Futterwacken. There are no images to share of this, of course. Rules of The Frabjous Day.
Top Night, Ladies. Top Night.
I love the ways in which people refer to Bachelor and Bachelorette parties as Stag and Does, or Hen nights. I learned these euphemisms while at my own this past weekend.
My ladies and I took DC by storm, literally. Despite being stuck miles from our hotel with only half of us able to fit in a cab in torrential downpours and gale force winds, we rocked it. Well, maybe we rocked it from the fifth floor of the Embassy Row hotel for the night Friday, but Saturday, girls got down!
I spent one of the last weekends of my single life surrounded by some of the best women I have ever known. We shared wonderful meals, took too many pictures, met some interesting people, and made lots of memories. I know that one day, I’ll look back on the galaxy of memories I’ve made in my life, and last weekend will be one of the brightest shining stars.
Newly Found Glory.
Today, we walked into an antique store that we have frequented in the past. Upon every visit to Victoria’s Attic in Hopewell, I make a beeline straight for the second room where they store cases of glass treasures and rare linins. Nestled safely on the shelf of an antique armoire has always laid an aged Pentax film camera. She is Glorious. I have drooled over it many times. However, today was different. As I gentled held the body, exploring the knobs and trying to adjust the ISO manually, Matt approached and said, “Let’s get it for your birthday.”
Gasp! Shock! Awe ensued!
So now, the beauty is mine. I have read several blogs of photographers whom I admire and found that they, too, are exploring what has become the ancient art of film. I am excited to dabble in film and can’t wait to see the images I produce with my two new (and might I add SWEET) lenses. I feel some opportunities for unadulterated personal creativity on the horizon! Also, coming soon will be a new brand, and hopefully the launch of a new website for me to showcase my work. I’m collaborating with a few friends to try to make this happen sometime after the wedding but before the holidays.
Look out world. We’re doing big things!
The Only Thing That Stays the Same…
Not only are we getting married in three weeks, but we also just moved in together for the first time. If that wasn’t enough change to occur at one time, after three and a half years at my previous job, I resigned my position. Yesterday was my last day of familiarity, of consistency, and of comfort in what I know. I am moving on to a job of which I have very little expertise. However, I am looking forward to the challenge and stepping out of my comfort zone. Being a creature of habit, this could go one of two ways. For now, I’m being incredibly optimistic. I have faith that I have made the right decision in what is best for Matt and my new little family.
So yes, we have settled. We’ve settled into a new home. We are learning how to settle into our roles as husband and wife. We have settled for happy, peacefully full hearts. That’s the best way to settle, after all. For nothing less than Wonderful.
Counting all the ways that life is Wonderful in my very own Wonderland!